
NameDCZ modelDCS modelCost in Credits (¤)Description
Science 16.000,00 ¤ Generates 3 RP per Round
PumpingStation 8.000,00 ¤ Pumps per Round Fuel out of the CZ. (Depending on Research progress in Production Lane.)
Barracks 7.000,00 ¤ Generates two Troops (DCS Soldiers) per Round into the CZ
AmmoFactory 9.500,00 ¤ Constructs AmmoUnits into the CZ (Depending on Research progress in Production Lane)
Factory 12.500,00 ¤ Constructs ConstructionUnits into the CZ (Depending on Research progress in Production Lane)
FARP 5.000,00 ¤ Gives the ability to Station Helicopter/VTOLs in CZ which dont have Airfields